The mark of the unit test is given an axle seat so that it can be easily done online on the saral deta app. Teachers have to take the marks of the unit test online after checking the unit test of the students. The process is given in such a way that the mark can be easily scanned and made online using the axle seat provided here.
Ekam Kasoti Related Latest News 2022
Ekam Kasoti Paper Solution 2020 is available for all subjects. Gujarat government conducts a unit test every Saturday to improve the quality of education. Unit tests are conducted every Saturday for standard 3 to 12 students. The unit test paper solution to be taken every Saturday will be placed here. Students and teachers can download this solution for their own information. The submitted solution is not official.
How to enter unit test marks using Saral Data app?
The following information is available here.
You all know that the unit test is taken in standard 3 to 12 in the Gujarat state. Earlier we were updating the unit test mark on the online site – But from this year, an innovative medium has been implemented for the entry of unit test marks. From now on, the unit test marks have to be entered from the mobile application.
For which the table given in the test booklet has to be scanned. The name of this application is SaralData.
It has been created by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Here is guidance regarding this application and its use.
The SaralData App unit is an application for scanning test evaluations. SaralData App Guide is also provided here. This application can be easily used by reading Ekam Kasoti Marks Entry Guide
The last 5 digits of the student’s unique ID number are to be displayed in the student’s unique ID column.
Write the numbers in English so that they can be scanned. Gujarati digits will not be scanned.
In each question, mark the marks obtained by the student with a hb pencil or a dark pencil on the marks.
This process has to be done for the entry of marks from all the tests
Use a dark pencil or a black blue pen to draw in a circle.
Do not leave any circle blank.
Do not kneel more than one circle in a question.