Triangle plus square = 20, triangle minus square = 10, triangle divided by square =?

Triangle plus square = 20, triangle minus square = 10, triangle divided by square =?

Post Name :- Maths Koyada
Category :- Mathematics
Portal :- Cutresults 
Post Date :- 17/01/2021

Seeing the terror of Gujarat’s coaching mafia product marketing after P.I’s paper, it seemed that only P.I’s paper setter knew. And now the merit setter is also feeling the same. Merit prediction is also starting to happen.





Some product managers even went live in such a way that it seemed as if they were not revealing sensations like match commentary and crime patrol. He used to do product marketing by making match commentary in such a way that every ball has a hitting point

There are many who have been taught thousands of hours by individuals, districts, some even one-page topics by making them my subject and say that these 5 questions were asked from our material or video ….

Some do marketing like constitution, culture, history as if it is its founder. And his ancestors must have told him this knowledge only in his ears. And the one who has brought his mood not to be in the frame has become his father.

At two o’clock in the night, people are fulfilling their targets by depriving the boys of sleep. And without such people, they have been seen traveling all over the district without money. And says “” “I saw you said this will come” “” “” …… so he speaks 15 times in each video .

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